The Office
Opening times
The nursery is open from 8.00am - 6.00pm, Monday to Friday. We are open 51 weeks of the year, excluding public bank holidays and the week between Christmas and New Year.
To join our waiting list or to register your child please download the Registration forms and send it back to us. Go to our forms:
On confirmation of a place a deposit of £50.00 for part time children and £100.00 for full time children is required to secure your place . Your deposit will be refunded in full on condition that one month notice in writing is provided and accounts are up to date.
Regrettibly, refunds or deductions cannot be made if a child is ill, on holiday or for any other reason does not attend nursery. One month notice must be given in writing of a child leaving the nursery.
Fees can be paid by standing orders, childcare vouchers or cash and are payable monthly in advance. Arrangements can be made for weekly payments at the Managers discretion.
For all children accessing free Early Years Education , the nursery will need to register your child's date of birth and birth certificate number, funding is applied for by the nursery termly – you are required to complete a form every term in order to access free early years education.
We also accept children on the Free for 2 Scheme.
10% Sibling Discount Available.
Fees are reviewed annually, usually in April. Fees for 2024 are:
(3 year old Term time only 9-3)
(8 – 6)
(5 or 10 hrs free. Early education available)
(5 or 10 hrs free. Early education available)
(8 – 1)
(5 hrs free. Early education available)
(5 hrs free. Early education available)
£21.00 for additional sessions.(3 hrs free.Early education available)
(1 - 6)
includes tea
(5 hrs free. Early education available)
(5 hrs free. Early education available)
(3 hrs free. Early education available)
(8 - 6)
Full week
(5 or10 hrs free Early education available)
(5 or 10 hrs free Early education available)
(3 or 6 hrs frer Early education available)
In compliance with the Early Years Foundation Stage and Ofsted Regulations, the Nursery has numerous policies and procedures in place. A selection of the policies are available to view at the bottom of this page. A full set of policies are available in both foyers for parents to view.
Collection Policy and Procedure More / Less Info
Collection Policy and Procedure
On collecting a child parents and carers will be required to ring the doorbell. Once they are recognised by a member of staff they will be allowed to enter the premises and collect their child. Please do not be offended if staff do not recognize you and will not let you in, we have many parents/guardians collecting during the week and occasionally faces can be forgotten! Please remember this procedure is for the safety of your child. If someone new will be collecting the child on a regular basis (For example – grandparents or a childminder) then parents must inform the nursery in writing and allocate a password, all staff will be informed. Staff will be given the names of and the password of the person who will be collecting. Occasionally parents may need to organise someone else to collect their child at the last minute. If this is the case then the nursery MUST be informed either when the child is dropped off or by phone. If they inform the nursery by phone a few security questions may be asked to determine that the person calling is indeed the parent, this may include DOB, middle names and passwords. The name and a description of the person collecting will be required and also a password. They will be unable to gain access to the nursery unless the password is given. When your child has been collected, although they may still be on Nursery premises they will no longer be the responsibility of the nursery, they are in the care and supervision of the person collecting. Piggybank Day Nursery Updated 15.08.12
Child Protection Click Here
Child protection policy.
Safeguarding - Piggybank Day nursery has a duty to be aware that abuse does occur in our society. Our prime responsibility is the welfare and well being of children in our care. As such we have a duty to the children, parents/ main carers and staff to act quickly and responsibly in any instance that may come to our attention. In order to keep staff informed and up to date on child protection issues Piggybank Day nursery aim to send staff on local authority child protection training courses, we aim to update this every 3 years. We also offer in-house child protection training and train staff during induction to recognise signs and symptoms of abuse. Leaflets on child protection guidelines are on the main staff notice boards for staff to refer to. Details of designated child protection, behaviour, and SENCO officer are given to staff members and they are made aware of who to go to in the event of a concern or query. We abide by OFSTED requirements in respect of references and Criminal Records Bureau checks for staff and volunteers, to ensure that no disqualified person or unsuitable person works at Piggybank Day nursery or has access to the children. Volunteers or students do not work unsupervised. In line with the Local Safeguarding children board (LSCB) Piggybank nursery has a duty to report any suspicions of abuse to the local authority. The Children Act (1989) places a duty on the local Authority to investigate such matters. The nursery will follow procedures set out in the local Authority child protection documents and as such will seek advice on all steps taken subsequently. Any sign of a mark or physical injury to a child will be documented on arrival at nursery in an incident report. This will be discussed with the parent or carer. If there appears to be any queries regarding the injury the local authority will be notified. Staff will be provided with training so they are able to respond appropriately to: • Significant changes in children's behaviour. • Deterioration in their general well being • Unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse; • Neglect • The comments children make which give cause for concern If a member of staff has any concerns regarding the safety and protection of a child they will be required to: 1. Immediately document all concerns, which will then be locked away and kept confidential. 2. Discuss concerns with management and child protection officer. 3. If there appears to be any queries regarding a child's protection then the matter will be referred to the local Authority. In the event a member of staff or a volunteer has an accusation made against them the nursery designated person must be informed immediately. The designated person will then contact Ofsted and the: Area Children's Officer: Elaine Coutts - 01227 284682. 07786 191 601 Jinder Kaur - 01227 284684. 07545 423 450 They will assess whether the allegation reaches the threshold for referral to Police/Social Services and advise accordingly regarding further action to be taken in respect of the child and the member of staff we will contact the LADO team on Tel 03000 410 888. The designated person will complete a 'Checklist for handling and recording allegations or complaints of abuse against a staff member. The allegation will not be discussed with anyone unless advised to do so by the Area Children's Officer. All staff must be aware that it is a disciplinary offence not to report concerns about the conduct of a colleague that could place a child at risk. When in doubt – consult. If Social Services and/or the Police decide to carry out an investigation, it may be possible that Ofsted will advise us to suspend the member of staff, whilst enquiries are carried out. Piggybank could also invoke their own disciplinary procedures. Piggybank Nursery will not carry out their own investigation unless Social services and the Police decide it is not appropriate for them to do so. We understand that Ofsted may wish to undertake further investigations. Staff should be aware of situations where they or other members of staff may be at risk from such allegations and work towards reducing this risk. It is also very important that staff are aware of the confidentiality involved in child protection concerns and that any issues are not to be discussed within the rooms or outside of the nursery. If any information is to be shared this will take place with arranged private meetings. Piggybank Day nursery has a named practitioner who has lead responsibility for safeguarding children. Piggybank Day nursery named child protection officers are: Tracey Laming Jane Fairbairn Staff are also reminded that if after talking to the child protection officer they still feel concerned about the child's welfare then they have a duty to call the local social services office themselves. Staff at the local office will offer advice and can decide what action, if any, is necessary. You can contact your local office by calling: Elaine Coutts - 01227 284682. 07786 191 601 Jinder Kaur - 01227 284684. 07545 423 450 In the event the nursery have concerns regarding a child we will contact the Education Safeguarding Team: Catherine Holmberg or Katie Agnew (admin support) on: 03000 418 503 Piggybank day Nursery Updated 31.10.16
Confidentiality Policy More / Less Info
Confidentiality Policy
For the purpose of this policy the following definition of confidentiality will apply: "Discretion in keeping private information" At Piggybank Nursery we aim to ensure that all parents and carers can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children. But all parties must be aware that there is a limit to confidentiality, these limits relate to ensuring children's safety and wellbeing. Everyone at Piggybank nursery needs to know that no one can offer absolute confidentiality. The safety wellbeing and protection of the children at piggybank nursery are of paramount consideration in all decisions staff make about confidentiality. The appropriate sharing of information between the staff at Piggybank is an essential element of ensuring the well being of children and young people in our care. At all times we will abide by our child protection policy and as such are duty bound to act appropriately upon information given and consult with the designated child protection officer. Where there are any doubts about the sharing of information we will seek advice from the area Children's Officer. Outside professionals - Unless he/she is already known a phone call received from outside professionals seeking information must be verified before information is divulged by calling them back in an organisation telephone number and not a mobile phone. Ground rules: Ground rules will enable sensitive or controversial issues to be explored in a way that can minimise the risk of inappropriate disclosures being made. Our ground rules include: 1. We will respect each other and not laugh tease or hurt others. 2. Listen to views and opinions 3. If we find out things about anyone at Piggybank which is private and personal to them, we will not talk about it unless a child or young person is at risk of significant harm. Two types of records are maintained at Piggybank day Nursery – 1. Developmental records – These include observations of children in the setting, samples of their work, photographs, summary developmental reports and copies of any reports. These are usually kept in the rooms and can be accessed, and contributed to, by staff, the child and the child's parents. Other parents do not have access to these. 2. Personal records – these include registration and admission forms, signed consents, and correspondence concerning the child or family. These confidential records are kept in a lockable cabinet and kept secure in the office. Access to personal information - Parents may request access to records held on their child and family following the procedure below, however parents do not have an automatic right of access to child protection records – 1. Any request to see the child's personal file (Other than child's room folder) by a parent or carer with parental responsibility must be made in writing to the Nursery Manager. 2. The Manager will send written acknowledgement and commits to providing access within 40 days – although this may be extended. 3. The manager prepares the file for viewing. All third parties are written to, stating that a request for disclosure has been received and asking permission to disclose to the person requesting it copies are retained on file. ('Third parties' includes all family members referred to in the records, it also includes other agencies, including social services, the health authority etc.) 4. A photocopy of the file is then taken, and any information removed (Using a black marker pen) which any third party has refused access to. What remains, is the information referred to as the 'clean copy'. 5. The 'clean copy' is then photocopied and parents are invited in to discuss the contents. Legal advice may be sought before sharing a file, especially where the parent has possible grounds for litigation against the setting or another (third party) agency. This policy has been developed in accordance with the Principles of the Human rights At 1998, The Data protection act 1998, the Freedom of information Act 2000, Crime and disorder act 1998 S17, Children Act 1989 S17 & 47, Children Act 2004 S10, 11 & 12 and the Welfare regulations required by section 40 of the Child Care Act 2006. This policy needs to be read in conjunction with the Child protection and Allegation policy. Piggybank Day Nursery Ltd Updated 31.10.16
EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) Policy and Procedure. More / Less Info
EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) Policy and Procedure.
At Piggybank Nursery we aim to work in partnership with parents in order to promote the learning and development of all children in our care. What is the EYFS – The EYFS learning and development requirements comprise: • The seven areas of learning and development and the educational programmes. • The Early Learning goals, which summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that all children should have gained by the end of the reception year. • The assessment requirements (which detail when and how Nursery practitioners must assess children's achievements, and when and how they should discuss this progress with parents/carers) The areas of learning and development: There are seven areas of learning and development that shape the educational programmes at Piggybank. All areas are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children's curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These three areas, the PRIME areas are: 1. Communication and language 2. Physical development 3. Personal social and emotional development. Following the EYFS at piggybank we also support children in four SPECIFIC areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are: 1. Literacy 2. Mathematics 3. Understanding the world 4. Expressive arts and design At piggybank we consider the individual needs, interests, and stage of development of each child in their care, and use this information to plan a challenging and enjoyable experience for each child. Staff who work with the youngest children focus strongly on the three prime areas, which are the basis for successful learning in the other four specific areas. Each area of learning and development is implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult led and child led activities. Play is essential for children's development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, to think about problems, and relate to others. Children will be assigned a key person. The key person must help ensure that every child's learning and care is tailored to meet their individual needs. Progress checks – Two year old check - When a child is aged between two and three, your key person must review their progress and provide parents with a short written summary of their child's development in the prime areas. This progress check must identify the child's strengths and any areas where the child's progress is less than expected. Parents are encouraged to share this report with other relevant professionals, including their health visitor. At Piggybank we do a progress check twice a year, parents are offered the opportunity to come in to discuss the report in an informal meeting with their key person. This gives us an opportunityto share information with each other. If a child's progress in the prime areas gives any cause for concern, nursery practitioners have a responsibility to discuss this with the parent/carer and agree how to support the child. Staffmust also consider whether a child may have a special educational need or disability which requires specialist support. Updated 31.10.16
Admissions Settling In And Oversubscription Policy And Procedure More / Less Info
Admissions Settling In And Oversubscription Policy And Procedure
It is our intention to make our setting accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community; we aim to do this through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures. In order to achieve this we operate the following admissions policy: We ensure that the existence of our setting is widely advertised in places accessible to all sections of the community. It must be pointed out that due to the fact that our nursery is situated in a three storey building there is limited access for wheelchairs, we are however able to give details of nurseries which have wheel chair access. We ensure that information about our setting is accessible, in written and spoken form and, when necessary, in more than one language. We arrange our waiting list in start date order. In addition we may take into account the following: • Whether the child is eligible to receive funding. • The vicinity of the home to the setting. • Siblings already attending the setting. When a parent requests a place at Piggybank Day Nursery for their child they will be required to fill out the child registration form. Within the registration form we ask for details which may include nationality, religion, any languages spoken and disabilities. This information is used to help us settle you child into nursery and to ensure that the nursery remains a home from home environment. Piggybank Day Nursery requires a deposit of £100 for full time and £50 for part time to secure a place for your child. Fees to be paid a week in advance. If a space is not available the child will be put on a waiting list, the deposit will be payable when the space is confirmed. Settling children into nursery: We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy at Piggybank nursery and to feel secure and comfortable with staff. We also want parents to have confidence in both their children's well being and their role as active partners with the setting. The nursery staff will work in partnership with parents/carers to settle the child into the nursery environment. Once a place has been offered at nursery dates will be arranged for two settling in sessions. These take place a week or two before the child starts nursery. This is to establish a relationship and trust with both the child and parent. The first visit – This will be one hour long and offers an opportunity for the parent and child to be introduced to staff. During this visit parents will be asked to complete the Registration form and fill in an Individual child form which details the child's preferences, likes and dislikes. The parent will also be asked to provide any necessary items for the child such as comforters and spare clothing. During this session parents will be introduced to their key person, who will spend time getting to know you and your child. The second visit – This is usually one hour and the parent is encouraged to leave the child for a ten or fifteen minute period towards the end of the hour. For a child who has not been away from main carers before further visits can be arranged. We do recommend that a child attends Nursery for at least two sessions a week as the continuity aids the settling process. Over subscription policy: Please be aware that in order to comply with the delegated terms and conditions set by KCC we have to ensure that children eligible to receive government funding are given priority. This means that when your child registers in school at the end of August they will no longer be able to receive funding for their nursery place and will only be able to access places not taken up by children receiving funding . Please bear this in mind if your child is starting school part time or later in the Autumn school term you will need to inform us as soon as possible in order to go on a waiting list for these available spaces. This is strictly on a first come first served basis, full fees will be charged after the 31st August. Keeping a confirmed space open: When a space is booked and required to be confirmed months in advance or if a child is due to go on a holiday of more than 3 weeks, then a fee to hold your child's space open may be charged. This will normally be half of your normal weekly fees per week that the space remains empty in readiness for your child to start. These fees are not refundable, and are not offset against fees. Piggybank Day Nursery Updated 31.10.16
Complaints Procedure More / Less Info
Complaints Procedure
At Piggybank Day Nursery we believe that children and parents should always be afforded courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We endeavour to do our best to ensure that we provide a high standard of care and a good service to our parents. We welcome suggestions on how to improve the service we offer, and we give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the setting. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff, usually the key person. If this does not have the desired result, we have a procedure for dealing with complaints. In the first instance speaking to your child’s key-person or room supervisor, if you feel the issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction please speak to the manager Jane Fairbairn or Deputy Tracey Laming in the office. All complaints and resolutions are recorded in the complaints folder in the office. If a parent has a formal complaint either involving their individual child or the nursery as a whole, they should in the first instance raise this issue verbally with the Nursery Manager. Piggybank Day Nursery are always interested in any views parents may have on any aspect of the company and how it is run. Piggybank Day Nursery takes any queries or concerns seriously and will endeavour to follow them up with an appropriate action within 28 days. Most complaints should be resolved amicably and informally at this stage. If this does not have a satisfactory outcome, or the problem re occurs, the parent can then put the complaint into writing. All written or verbal complaints are stored in the child's personal file. When the investigation is complete the nursery manager will contact the parent to discuss the outcome. When the complaint is resolved at this stage the nursery manager will log the points in the complaints summery record file in the office. Parents have a right to read the complaints file on request. Parents may approach OFSTED directly at any stage of the complaints procedure: OFSTED The Ofsted National Business Unit Piccadilly Gate Store Street Manchester M1 2WD Tel: 0300 123 1231 Piggybank Ofsted number: EY438799 It is our hope that parents never need to use this procedure; the managers door is always open to parents. Piggybank Day Nursery Updated 08.07.17
Data Protection Procedure More / Less Info
Data Protection Procedure
DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 Early Years Settings, Schools, Local Authorities (LAs), the Secretary of State of Children, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), the Government department which deals with education and children's services, the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), Her Majesty's Chief Inspector for Schools and the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted), The National Assessment Agency (NAA) all process information on children and pupils in order to help administer education and children's services and in doing so have to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. This means, among other things that data held about children must only be used for specific purposes allowed by law. Piggybank Day Nursery Ltd holds information on child/children in order to support their development, to monitor their progress, to provide appropriate pastoral care, and to assess how well the Setting as a whole is doing. This information includes contact details, attendance information, characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information. From time to time Piggybank Day Nursery is required to pass on some of this data to Local Authorities, the DCSF and to agencies that are prescribed by law, such as QCA, and Ofsted. In particular, at age two and five an assessment is made of all children and this information is passed to the child's health visitor, Local Authority and receiving maintained school. The Local Authority (LA) uses information about children for whom it provides services to carry out specific functions for which it is responsible. For example, the Local Authority will make an assessment of any special educational needs the child may have. It also uses the information to derive statistics to inform various decisions. The statistics are used in such a way that individual children cannot be identified from them. The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority uses information about children to administer national assessments such as the Foundation Stage Profile. Any results passed on to the DCSF are used to compile statistics on trends and patterns in levels of development, The QCA can use the information to evaluate the effectiveness of the national curriculum and the associated assessment arrangements, and to ensure that these are continually improved. Her Majesty's Chief Inspector for Schools and Ofsted use information about the progress and performance of children to help inspectors evaluate the work of Early Years Settings, to assist them in their self-evaluation, and as part of Ofsted's assessment of the effectiveness of education initiatives and policy. Inspection reports do not identify individual children. The National Assessment Agency uses information for those, relatively few, settings undertaking the Foundation Stage Profile. The resulting data is passed on to the NAA which also uses information in working with schools, The QCA, and Awarding Bodies, for ensuring an efficient and effective assessment system covering all age ranges is delivered nationally. The Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and the Department for Children, Schools and Families use information, about children and pupils for research and statistical purposes, to allocate funds, to inform, influence and improve education policy and to monitor the performance of the education and children's services as a whole. The DfES will feed back to LAs information about children for a variety of purposes that will include data checking exercises, and use in self-evaluation analyse. Information about children may be held to provide comprehensive information back to LAs to support their day to day business. The DCSF may also use contact details from these sources to obtain samples for statistical surveys: these surveys may be carried out by research agencies working under contract to the Department and participation in such surveys is usually voluntary. The Department may also match data from these sources to data obtained from statistical surveys. The DCSF may also disclose individual child and pupil information to independent researchers into the educational achievements of pupils who have a legitimate need for it, for their research, but each case will be determined on its merits and subject to the approval of the Department's Chief Statistician. Children, as data subjects, have certain rights under the Data Protection Act 1998, including a general right of access to personal data held on them, with parents exercising this right on their behalf if they are too young to do so themselves. If you wish to access the personal data held about your child, then please contact the relevant organisation in writing: The Local Authority (Kent County Council) at: Access to Information Co-ordinator, Room 2.35 Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone, ME14 1XQ. The QCA's Data Protection Officer at QCA, 83 Piccadilly, London W1J 8QA Ofsted's Data Protection Officer at Alexandra House, 33 Kingsway, London WC2B 6SE The National Assessment Agency Data Protection Officer at NAA, 29 Bolton Street, London W1J 8BT. The DfEs's Data Protection Officer at DfES, Caxton House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NA. 0370 000 2288 In order to fulfil their responsibilities under the Act the organisation may, before responding to this request, seek proof of the requestor's identity and any further information required to locate the personal data requested. Updated 31.10.16
Health Policy And Procedure More / Less Info
Health Policy And Procedure
Illness The nursery is unable to cater for a child who is unwell, therefore a child who is obviously unwell should not be brought into nursery. Children who have been prescribed antibiotics are also deemed to be unwell and for this reason should not attend nursery for 48hrs, thus giving the medication adequate time to take affect and to ensure the child does not have an adverse effect to the medication whilst at nursery. If a child becomes unwell during the day the parents will be contacted and advised, depending on the symptoms they may be asked to collect the child from nursery. Children should not attend nursery for 48 hours if they have suffered from sickness and/ or diarrhoea. Parents are informed if there is an infectious disease, such as chicken pox. If a staff member or a child has a communicable illness they should not attend nursery whilst they are infectious. Details of illnesses are available from the manager. If staff or children have head lice they will be required to stay at home until all eggs and lice have been eradicated. Parents are notified if there is a case of head lice in the nursery. If any person is suffering from, or a carrier of, food borne disease, infection, skin infections, sores or open wounds they are to be excluded from any food handling activities until they have been free of symptoms for 48hrs. An outbreak of an infectious illness is reported to the Area Health Authority Medication Children taking medication must be well enough to attend the nursery. Over the counter medication must be the original packaging, in date and clearly labelled with the child's name and dosage instructions. If medication is prescribed by a doctor it must have the prescription sticker intact and clear to read. Staff MUST NOT accept medication if the prescription sticker is not in place. Medication must be handed personally to a staff member and medication form filed in. The staff member must fill in the medication form and the parent must sign this giving their permission for the nursery to administer it. Medicine must be kept in the lockable medicine cabinet, situated in the main office, pre school room and the upper floor kitchen (for the ASC/Holiday club) or in a fridge if necessary. Medication MUST NOT be left in a child's bag. Any such medication that is found in these circumstances will be removed and locked in the medicine cabinet. When a member of staff administers medication they must have another regular member of staff as a witness (Not a student). Both staff members must sign the medicine form and ascertain the time medication was given. Some life-threatening conditions may require immediate attention. Medicines for this purpose will only be held and administered when a parent fills out a long term medication form which is then kept in the child's file. These conditions may include acute allergies, major seizures or diabetic hypoglycaemia. If the treatment of prescribed medication requires medical knowledge, Child specific training is sought by a health professional. Staff taking medication are requested to inform their immediate supervisor and or the Nursery manager. Staff medicines must be locked in medicine cabinet. Piggybank Nursery Updated 31.10.16
Behaviour Policy (Including procedure for biting incidents) More / Less Info
Behaviour Policy (Including procedure for biting incidents)
Children need support to share, take turns and learn to be social individuals, unwanted behaviour is in most instances resolved by distraction and praise. Persistent unwanted behaviour will be discussed with parents find ways to provide support will be agreed or other professional advice sought. For more information on policies please see policy handbook in the foyer or speak to management team in the office (Jane is the setting SENCO – special educational needs co-ordnator) Piggybank Day Nursery believes in practicing an approach which supports children's development of self discipline. We believe that children who acquire the ability to balance their needs with those of others, feel good about themselves and become increasingly more independent with good social skills. Piggybank staff will treat all children with respect. A child is never smacked, shaken or treated roughly, and the threat of physical punishment is never used. (Corporal punishment) Piggybank staff are expected to model behaviour and language that they would expect from children. Our approach will always be one that helps children to see the consequences of their actions. We will provide opportunities for them to learn how to interpret feelings, by listening to them and offering the necessary support that will enable them to verbalise their own frustrations, emotions and feelings. Consistency in approach allows children to understand the behavioural expectations and know what to expect. Piggybank staff will never shout at children, though raising the intonation of the voice will generally make a child take notice. Staff will use praise and encouragement to reinforce good behaviour. Only in exceptional circumstances may physical intervention be used. (Physical intervention is where a practitioner uses reasonable force to prevent children from injuring themselves or others or damaging property) In such circumstances an incident report must be filled out, which parents will read and sign at the end of the day. Occasionally a child who is demonstrating disruptive behaviour will be removed from an activity and distracted with an alternative activity. Depending upon the age and stage of development of the child, have explained to them why their behaviour was unacceptable. Very rarely a child may need time away from the room. This can give the child time to calm down with a little quiet time and the one to one support from a member of staff. Our ultimate aim is that we will work in partnership with parents to lay foundations from which children will grow into happy, self-confident well adjusted individuals. Parent communication is essential, for this matter we document any regular behavioural incidents. This is documented in our Incident book which the parents read and sign at the end of the day. These incident forms or our ABC charts are then used to assess the causes behind the behaviour and possible ways in which we can reduce the incidents. They can also be used as evidence if outside help is sought. Piggybank Nursery has a designated Behaviour Management co-ordinator who is available to parents and staff to offer advice: Mrs Jane Fairbairn Rough and Tumble play – Young children often engage in play that has aggressive themes – such as superhero and weapon play: some children appear pre-occupied with these themes, but their behaviour is not necessarily a precursor to hurtful behaviour or bullying, although it may be inconsiderate at times and may need addressing. • We recognise that teasing and rough and tumble play are normal for young children and acceptable within limits. We regard these types of play as pro-social and not as problematic or aggressive. • We will develop strategies to contain play that are agreed with the children, and understood by them, with acceptable behavioural boundaries to ensure children are not hurt. • We recognise that fantasy play also contains many violent dramatic strategies – shooting etc., and that themes often refer to 'goodies and baddies' and as such offer opportunities for children to explore the concepts of right and wrong. Biting – Occasionally incidents of biting can occur. The nursery takes every step to avoid this unfortunate occurrence but it must be remembered that particularly amongst a group of children this can happen in a split second and sometimes quite unprovoked. Parents will be kept informed if their child has bitten or been bitten, and advice will be offered. If biting persists the nursery will initiate the inclusion policy as part of its support for all who are involved. Incident reports and ABC charts will be documented to find any possible triggers and solutions sought. An Individual Education Plan (IEP) may be introduced to offer ways of developing the child's social skills and possibly their language development. If further support is required then the nursery will contact the local teaching advisory service for advice. We reserve the right to exclude the child from the setting if it is deemed they are putting others and themselves at risk of serious harm. Piggybank Day Nursery Updated 08.07.17
Uniform More / Less Info
Uniform can be purchased from the Office. Polo shirts cost £5.50 and Sweatshirts cost £7.00. The uniform is not compulsory. The smallest size uniform we can provide is 2-3 yrs. Piggybank Day Nursery Updated 08.07.17